Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Introduction
Today there is tremendous interest in distributed
power generation because it promises to be
environmentally friendly and offers new ways
to supply cost-effective power in a competitive,
deregulated marketplace. Distributed energy
sources also hold great promise in meeting
increased demand for higher quality, more
reliable power. And by its design, distributed
generation can provide companies with greater
control over their power supply and opens
the door to new methods of producing power.
Scaled for smaller plants, these methods can
offer more efficient use of natural resources
and lower emissions. . 
For more than 40 years Siemens and Siemens Power Generation
has been performing basic research and product development
of an energy conversion technology that is clean, highly
efficient and ideal for providing high quality power
at small distributed sites. That technology is the solid
oxide fuel cell, or SOFC.
Siemens Power Generation is developing tubular SOFC
technology with the support of the US Department of
Energy's (DOE) advanced fuel cell research program and
by the German Ministry of Economics and Labor (BMWA).
Siemens Power Generation has formed a new business division,
the Stationary Fuel Cells (SFC) division, dedicated
to completing the commercialization of solid oxide fuel
cells. SFC is currently in the pre-commercial phase
of its business plan and expects to have its first commercial
product available in 2012.
Siemens Power Generation tubular SOFC technology
The Siemens Power Generation solid oxide fuel cell
(SOFC) is made up of an electrolyte and two electrode
layers in a unique tubular design. This design eliminates
the need for seals required by other types of fuel cells,
and also allows for thermal expansion. In a tubular
SOFC design, air flows through the interior of the cell,
and fuel flows on the outside of the cell. At elevated
temperatures, the oxygen in the air ionizes and the
resulting ions flow through the electrolyte and combine
with the fuel on the cell's exterior. This is an electrochemical
reaction, so electrons are released. With proper connections,
they can flow through an external circuit as electricity.
Siemens Power Generation is the world leader
in SOFC. This is due largely to the unique
tubular cell and the simple design of the
stack. The stack is cooled using process
air, and during normal operation consumes
no external water. It also has integrated
thermally and hydraulically within its structure
a natural gas reformer that produces the
hydrogen and carbon monoxide utilized by
the cell. Also, except during start up,
no external heat source is needed.