SAL/SAP - Single Anchor Loading & Production

Brief presentation of SAL
A low cost alternative to the STL system, the SAL^(TM) system has shown to be very competitive. The SAP^(TM) system is a further development of the SAL for use as a FPSO turret/mooring arrangement.
The SAL system was developed to represent a low cost alternative to the STL system, for use in situations with less demanding operational requirements. While the STL system is virtually weather independent, the SAL system will typically have an upper operational limit dependent on water depth and vessel size / type.The SAL system design is based on the technology of the proven STL system.

Brief presentation of SAP

The SAP system is a further development of the SAL for use as a FPSO turret/mooring arrangement. The SAP is in principle similar to the SAL. The important difference is that the sea bed swivel has the capacity to handle multi paths to accommodate the connection of several risers and an umbilical as required in a floating production operation.

The design of the SAP swivel is based on the STP swivel. The SAP system represents a low cost alternative particularly suitable for extended well testing and for production from marginal fields in locations with more moderate weather conditions.

SAL/SAP Characteristics

Client success
STL - Submerged Turret Loading
STP - Submerged Turret Production
SAL/SAP - Single Anchor Loading & Production
SYS - SAL Yoke System
ETP - External Turret Production
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