As a further development of the STL system,
The STL turret and mooring technology has been
combined with a high pressure multi-path swivel
to create a complete mooring, turret and swivel
package for offshore floating production based
on the use of ships or ships-like structures.
The STP system comprises the same type mooring
system and the same principles for design of the
STP Buoy and turret bearings as the conventional
STL system.
The STP system consists of:
STP Buoy with integrated turret
Mooring system similar to the STL system
STP Ship system for handling and locking of
STP Buoy
Multi-path swivel system
Basic features of the STP system are:
Free passive weather waning of the FPSO (use
of thrusters not required)
Flexibility with respect to capacity and number
of risers and umbilicals
Simple vessel conversion with minimum modification
and structural impact
Short conversion time, low conversion costs
Standardized STL/STP Buoy geometry allowing
any STL/STP vessel to connect to any buoy
Passive rotation of multi-path swivel, i.e.
no active drive mechanism is required
Redundant over pressurized seal barrier fluid
system with remote diagnostics for seal monitoring
High level of safety
The STP technology is suitable for a
wide range of field developments and water depths
such as:
STP for permanent weather independent operation
STP for quick disconnect
STP for deep water
STP for shallow water
STP in ice covered sea
STP Characteristics