NE rounters

  Quidway NetEngine 5000E Core Router


The Quidway NetEngine 5000E Terabit Switching Router (TSR) is one of the most powerful routers in the industry in terms of forwarding capacity, high scalability, high availability and service flexibility. The NE5000E is designed specially for the heart of the next generation IP/MPLS core networks with the latest ASIC, MPLS and IPv6 technology. It enables service providers to deliver data, voice, video and other innovative services over a common packet infrastructure and can greatly help the service providers to increase service flexibility, operational efficiency and business profitability. With excellent hardware and software architecture, the NE5000E can meet availability requirements and multi-service demands of carrier-class networks.

Features and Benefits

Compare with the previous version, V200R001(Based on VRP5.1), the NE5000E V200R002(Based on VRP5.3) provides enhanced carrier-class reliability and VPN access ability. It also provides MPLS TE, MPLS L2VPN, IGP Fast Convergence, TRUNK, Strategy route, NetStream service LPU, Multi-case VPN service LPU, OC12/STM-4 POS LPU, and CWDM SPF module.

Beta Tests, Tests, Certification and Applications

  • In November 2004, the NE5000E and NE5000E-IPv6 have passed the network access test of the Ministry of Information Industry and the network access inspection and obtained the network access license.
  • In October 2004, CNGI selection test was carried out for the NE5000E by China Netcom. The test results were good.
  • In February 2005, CNGI selection test and CN2 supplement test was carried out for the NE5000E in the Research Institute of the Posts & Telecommunications of China Telecom. The test results were good.
  • In March 2006, NE5000E passed the network access test and obtained the network access license in Russia.
  • As of November 2006, more than 200 sets of the NE5000E have been deployed by international carriers worldwide. The main customers include China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Railcom, and China Electronic Government Affairs.


    The Quidway NetEngine 5000E V200R002 (Based on VRP5.3) becomes generally available from 8 February 2007. It is oriented to customers worldwide. The monthly supply capability is 100 sets.


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